Like every new year, 2020 has commenced with resolutions and refreshes meant to kickstart a better tomorrow. But, unlike recent new years past, this year marks the beginning of a brand new decade – one that’s sure to hold resolutions and reevaluations of greater magnitude than ever before. With after-sales service becoming an increasingly important and strategic focus area for manufacturers around the world, the past ten years have proven that many organizations are still resisting investing in solutions dedicated solely to its optimization. But, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that continue to rely on an antiquated service parts pricing strategy face hidden costs from capital, service, time and resources.
What they don’t see is that, when it comes to service parts pricing, the aforementioned costs are adding up to more than what they’d be investing in a sophisticated pricing solution. And while many resist change because their after-sales service organization is already profitable as-is – in fact, some see change as a potential detriment to the profit extraction of the after-sales service side business – transformation is inevitable. The sooner OEMs make a change, the lesser the disruption to operations will be over the course of the next ten years.
That’s why we created our latest tip sheet, “10 Reasons Why You Need to Reevaluate Your Service Parts Pricing Strategy,” to help manufacturers understand what changes need to happen to achieve best-in-class pricing in 2020.
With these expert tips, manufacturers will learn that achieving best-in-class pricing strategy is about a fundamental understanding of either price increases or price decreases necessary for an organization to grow profit and market share. And, to succeed, manufacturers must understand what changes need to happen, because, ultimately, for organizations that desire the benefits of more advanced pricing strategy methodologies, investing in an intelligent pricing solution is the only way to go.
2020 will kick off a watershed decade for manufacturing. And, at Syncron, we not only believe that an optimized after-sales service organization accelerates manufacturers’ journey toward a service-centered future, but also drives top- and bottom-line results, expands the company’s global leadership and accelerates the pace of change within the manufacturing industry as a whole.
No other pricing provider can deliver this level of industry expertise, so for OEMs to be successful in their pricing journey, it only makes sense for them to choose a pricing partner that knows how important the after-sales service focus in the business is to the core of the company’s future success.
Download the tip sheet to find out why leading OEMs are looking to pricing providers like Syncron to build a better understanding of what pricing in today’s modern world looks like and how it will evolve into in the years to come.