Dealer to Dealer Software

Cut Costs and Downtime With Dealer Network Automation

Boost horizontal interaction across the supply chains to make it easier for independent dealers to transact with one another.

  • Reduce downtime and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Decrease overall network inventory.
  • Reduce future part returns.
  • Minimize expediting costs.
  • Reduce excess stock in the dealer network.

Keep backorders filled quickly for end customers

When a stockout occurs due to supplier shortage or environmental circumstances, you may not have enough inventory in your warehouse network to fulfill dealer orders. These unfulfilled orders are then backordered, which causes downtime and dissatisfaction for your end customers. An efficient dealer-to-dealer (D2D) solution can help you mitigate warehouse shortages and improve customer service by leveraging dealers as an extension of your supply chain.

Reduce shipping costs and part returns by reusing parts that would be otherwise returned to the distribution center.

orange icon of a ribbon with checkmark

Improve customer satisfaction and brand loyalty by making items available to fulfill backorders.

orange icon showing 3 boxes connected to circle with a box in the middle and 3 arrows pointing upward

Reduce obsolete inventory that ties up space and capital by automatically fulfilling an order at another dealer.

Reduce the time it takes for an end customer to receive an ordered item by offering same-day delivery within 24 hours.

With Syncron, you get a class-leading solution and a strategic partner dedicated to driving your success in the aftermarket space.

Exceed your margins and sustainability goals with Backorder Recovery

Allow your dealers to fulfill orders much more quickly by identifying potential selling dealers throughout the dealer network.

  • Minimize the end-customer wait time to receive the ordered part.
  • Reduce transportation costs, time, and environmental impact.
  • Raise acceptance rates and service levels to the end customer.
  • Improve participation rate and real-time interaction.
Syncron Dealer Parts Planning, dealer requests view

Cut down on end-user wait time

With automatically initiated D2D processes, you can conduct a thorough dealer network stock search in real time to reduce the end-customer wait time to receive the ordered part.

Attain sustainability goals

Easily search for dealers who have enough stock to fulfill customer orders, increasing their chances of responding first to the request while minimizing transportation time and cost.

Maintain optimum service levels

Our dealer portal gives you access to all the information needed to make your request, allowing your dealers to decide on their own whether to sell the item.

Increase dealer participation

With our D2D mobile app, you can easily accept or reject D2D requests to broaden dealer participation and speed up transactions between independent dealers.

Proactively manage inventory across your dealer network using Dealer as a Depot

Implement a hub-and-spoke model across your dealer network to proactively stock critical parts in central locations.

  • Minimize the end-customer wait time to receive the ordered part.
  • Drive increased revenue in service and finished goods.
  • Minimize inventory costs and decrease obsolescence risk across your dealer network.
  • Decrease shipping emissions with regional stocking plans.

Optimize stock for dealers

Using the hub-and-spoke model, OEMs can assign slow-moving, critical components to centrally located hub dealers to support the local network.

Attain sustainability goals

Minimize shipping costs and obsolescence risk by optimizing stock across regions, centralizing slow-moving parts at hub dealers.

Improve turnaround time

Realize instant transactions by enabling automatic hub verification to fulfill orders immediately using the D2D transactions.

Improve customer experience

Reduce end-customer wait time for service parts to be delivered, improving overall customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Elevate dealer network visibility with Item Locator

You can streamline your spare parts supply chain into cooperative and sustainable supply chain networks by utilizing our Item Locator feature to gain visibility into the stock situation across the entire dealer network. With Item Locator, you can:

  • Rapidly locate the closest potential stock locations in the event of stockouts.
  • Simplify and automate your item locator process to quickly fulfill urgent end-user demands.

Find spare parts rapidly and effectively

By combining geographic data with inventory availability, you can enable your customers to locate an item from the closest possible dealer in the event of a stockout.

Make your item locator process easier

With our item sourcing engine, you can easily select search criteria to view multiple items at once, along with stock balances, replacement chains, and their locations within the dealer network.

Achieve breakthrough moments

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