Industrial Equipment

Industrial Equipment Service Management Solutions

Enhancing uptime and efficiency in industrial equipment 

The industrial equipment industry revolves around sophisticated, long-lifecycle machinery consistently pushed to its utilization limits. Every moment of downtime, whether for repairs or maintenance, translates to substantial operational costs. Given the longevity and intricacy of such equipment, ensuring consistent uptime isn’t merely a priority—it’s imperative. Navigating these challenges requires solutions as advanced as the machinery they serve. By leveraging tailored service management solutions designed for the industrial equipment sector, companies can ensure a strategic response to downtime, elevate operational excellence, and achieve consistent profitability.

Trusted by the world’s leading manufacturers

Customer Stories

The benefits from using Syncron, just to name a few, would be increased efficiency and consistency in pricing practices and strategies, great efficiency in pricing alignment, and price optimization, less dealer assistance requests, which helps us in being more strategic in our pricing practices and strategies. And lastly, and most importantly, using current technology that is cloud based and can be easily updated.

Marsha Paramore • Strategic Pricing Analyst, Aftermarket Pricing • Hyster-Yale Group
Industrial Equipment

Hyster-Yale Group optimizes margins with Syncron Price optimization software

Products Used
  • Price
  • Service Go to Market
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Industrial Equipment

DMG MORI is improving efficiency and forecast skills in spare parts management

Products Used
  • Parts Planning
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We see Syncron as a strategic partner for our after service business.

Katsuaki Ishii • Marketing Group • Hitachi
Construction & Mining

Hitachi Construction Machinery & Equipment: Optimized by Syncron

Products Used
  • Price
  • Service Go to Market
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• Plan

Inventory precision for complex, high-utilization equipment

Syncron Parts Planning

Complex equipment with long lifecycles demands a refined approach to inventory management. Syncron Parts Planning rises to this challenge, offering precise demand forecasting, inventory optimization, and automated replenishment planning. This ensures parts—often unique to specific machine models—are readily available, mitigating potentially prolonged downtimes.

Syncron Dealer Parts Planning

Collaboration between OEMs and dealers becomes pivotal, especially when dealing with specialized components. Syncron Dealer Parts Planning enhances this collaboration, allowing synchronized forecasting and planning. This integration ensures prompt availability of essential parts, anchoring a seamless operational flow. Dealers experience a seamless, more guided experience for parts planning, while OEMs can optimize their network and generate more revenue for all parties involved.

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Parts Planning

Syncron Parts Planning streamlines to help minimize manual tasks, eliminate overstock, and transform inventory data into actionable insights.

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Dealer Parts Planning

Syncron Dealer Parts Planning provides virtual planning tools to efficiently distribute parts stock to downstream networks and align aftermarket strategies.

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• Price

Tailored pricing strategies for long-lifecycle equipment

Syncron Price

Aftermarket parts sales are paramount to growing the service business for industrial equipment manufacturers. Price parts too high, and you risk competitors taking market share. Price parts too low, and margins may be unable to keep up with rising manufacturing costs. Syncron Price delivers agility, adjusting pricing strategies for equipment longevity and complexity, ensuring competitiveness while upholding profitability.

Syncron Contract Price

The prolonged lifespans of such equipment often necessitate nuanced service contracts. Syncron Contract Price deploys machine learning to develop cost models that understand the intricate expenses of long-lifecycle equipment. The result is transparent, value-driven contracts that communicate clear expectations to customers. Add on the capability to configure and price contracts tailored to your customers’ needs, and service contracts can prove to be a differentiator for your business.

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Syncron Price uses advanced technology to identify hidden pricing opportunities that positively impact business performance by maximizing sales, revenue, and service profitability.

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Contract Price

Syncron Contract Price optimizes outcome-based contract pricing to drive new revenue, increase margins, reduce contract risk, and build long-term customer loyalty.

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• Service

Guaranteeing continuous operations with robust service solutions

Syncron Warranty Management

When equipment breaks or requires maintenance unexpectedly, customers, service providers, manufacturers, and suppliers need a system that enables seamless review of the situation and drives the claims process to the appropriate party. Syncron Warranty Management redefines the warranty claims process, crafting programs tailored to the unique demands of the industrial equipment sector, instilling trust, and reinforcing lasting customer relationships.

Syncron Technician Enablement

Maximized utilization and minimal downtime are paramount for equipment with extended lifecycles. Syncron Technician Enablement empowers technicians with the insights and tools needed to diagnose and resolve issues on complex machinery swiftly. Prioritizing first-time fix rates and reduced repair times, this solution ensures equipment remains operational, boosting overall efficiency and upholding customer satisfaction.

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Warranty Management

Syncron Warranty Management streamlines warranty processes and arms key stakeholders with the tools they need to reduce warranty costs, improve product quality, and increase plan renewals.

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Technician Enablement

Syncron Technician Enablement enables field service organizations to mobilize technicians while empowering them with easy-to-use and powerful capabilities to streamline end-to-end service tasks.

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